Welcome Email for See Mama Go

Client: Jenny Ropson

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Jenny started an online resource for mom’s in Phoenix, Arizona. Her landing page was encouraging new subscribers to join her list, and now she needed an email welcome sequence to make them feel - welcome!

This email starts off by telling a story of Jenny trying to navigate motherhood in a new city. This story helps her subscribers relate to Jenny on a personal level, and gives them a glimpse into who Jenny is as a person - not just a business.

The email goes on to give her subscribers a few names of the best family-friendly activities in Phoenix. By linking to her blog, her subscribers can now get to know her and her business a little more.

At the end of the email, she invites her subscribers to follow her on social media - further adding to all the places they can get to know her.


A few more examples of the copy used in the See Mama Go welcome email…

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